Library Courses

Student Aide
Credit: ½
Required: No
Prereq: 2.00 GPA. Having passed all requires classes. Sufficient credits for grade level.

Student aides provide a valuable service to the school as well as learn procedures and skills in the work place, communication skills, responsibility, and problem solving.  Student aides help in the office, the LMC, elementary, and high school classrooms.   They may work with students or perform clerical tasks for the teacher.  Students may be a student aide more than once but will be given credit only for the first time they take the class.

Library Science/Independent Library Science
Credit: ½ for one semester or 1 credit for a full year
Required: No
Prereq: Consent of instructor and a grade of C or better in diagnostic pretest of library skills. Enrollment is limited.

This elective course is available to students interested in expanding their knowledge of library resources. Students must be able to work independently and responsibly.  The coursework involves individualized lessons on the Dewey Decimal System, research skills, and specific reference materials as well as daily work in the LMC.   Students will be using the online circulation and cataloguing system and helping other students check out materials and use LMC resources.   They must be self-motivated and able to work with elementary students as well as their peers and the teaching staff.  Note: Each subsequent semester or year is also dependent on the consent of the instructor and builds on the knowledge gained previously for more specialized independent work.

Grading: The final grade will be computed using three major factors.

  1. 50% = Daily work and specialized projects.  Ten points are possible each day according to the daily grading basis.   The total points earned will be converted into a percentage of the total points possible for each quarter.   This score will comprise 50% of the final grade.
  2. 25% = Written assignments.  Each assignment will be worth 100 points.  The total points earned will be converted into a percentage of the total points possible for each quarter.  This score will comprise 25% of the final grade.
  3. 25% = Quizzes and exams.  Each quiz will be worth 100 points.  Each test will be worth 100 points, but tests are added in twice for an actual value of 200 points.  The total points earned will be converted to a percentage of the total points possible for each quarter.  This score will comprise 25% of the final grade.  Note: See the instructor for a more detailed explanation of the overall grading policy.

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